
About the author

Articles are written and edited by the Syskool Staffs.

Indian Industry: Rules, Policies and Types

The term Industry indicates to an economic activity that is concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. Indian Industry...

NPA – Non Performing Assets

NPA i.e. Non-Performing Assets are the term loans given by banks on which either interest and/or principal have remained 'overdue' or have not been...


Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, and wage...

Today in History – 26 April

1479 Vallabhacharya, founder of 'Pushthimarg Panth', was born. 1841 Bombay Gazette began publishing on silk. 1865 John Wilkes Booth was killed when Union soldiers tracked him down to a...


Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement...

Today in History – 25 April

1859 At Port Said, Egypt, ground is broken for the Suez Canal, an artificial waterway intended to stretch 101 miles across the isthmus of Suez...

Industries Contributing to Indian Economy

The Indian Economy is the 9th largest economy of the world and also one of the fastest growing world economies. The most top industries...

Industries of India

Iron and steel industry First steel industry at Kulti, Near Jharia, West Bengal - Bengal iron works company in 1870 First, large-scale steel plant...

Demonetisation – The Currency Purge

The nation’s future and hope depends upon the government in power and the people and not the nation itself for a hope of better...

Today in History – 24 April

1311 General Malik Kafur returns to Delhi after campaign in South India. 1800 President John Adams approves legislation to appropriate $5,000 to purchase “such books as may...

BSBDA-Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account – Important Points

The Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account allows you to bank with a zero minimum balance requirement. All the existing ‘No-frills’ accounts opened by the...

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is an ambitious scheme for comprehensive financial inclusion launched by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi on 28...
